Achieving technological advances in real-time can be a challenge for small companies that are adapting to new tools, but this can be a less traumatic procedure at the hands of Solunites, an expert in computer consulting, able to help you in many ways within your corporation. No project is too big or too small for us, as we understand the need for quality care. It has been proven that having computer tools helps you to position yourself in the market with the best competitive factors since it speeds up all kinds of processes.

Our help is specifically focused on

  • Time and materials (on-site or remote): This is an ideal strategy for certain types of companies since it offers you a budget adapted to the real duration of the project as well as the costs, with the inclusion of previously discussed fees. This is the best way to work.
  • Project management: It is not easy to advance towards new projects, but with the support of an expert consulting firm you will be able to outline a path based on the needs and possibilities of the company. It is a way to have advice at all times.
  • Platform integration: Although there is a large number of platforms available, it is best to choose those that best suit your interests and those of your company, to achieve a functional system in all respects.
  • Sales support with our partners: We have a large base of commercial allies willing to work actively in the growth of your business so that you receive a better national and international reception.


Every project is capable of advancing more quickly if it has the right support, and consulting is the best solution in times of uncertainty. Every question, every concern receives a complete and sufficient answer. We are confident that we can be there for you in every important decision so that you can see your business grow quickly. Besides, it is an excellent opportunity to enter new technologies in a controlled way, thus decreasing the difficulties.